Prosper ISD Swim School
Prosper ISD Swim School
Comfort in water, bubbles, breath control (bobs), going underwater for the length of time as their age, glide (front and back), and kicking. Exit water without a ladder, jump in-turn-get to safety, ready position, and streamline.
Requirements to begin level 3&4: must be able to go underwater and hold their breath for a length of time as their age, back and front float, kicking with a board or noodle for 15 feet.
Swimmers will learn to swim using freestyle arms or scoops (age 3-4) and get into the proper position for the side breath (age 5+) or roll over to the back (age 3-4). Swimmers learn side glide kick position for side breath (ages 5 and up). Ages 5 and up will swim four strokes then pause in side glide kick.
Requirements to begin level 5&6: must be able to swim using freestyle arms or scoops for four strokes with kicks, and face in the water.
Swim 3 strokes then take a breath, then swim 3 strokes again followed by a breath for 15 yards (swim, breathe, swim, breathe). Backstroke is learned with proper kicking at the top of the water, relaxed arm position, shoulder rolls, and head remains still.
Requirements to begin level 7&8: Must be able to swim a length of freestyle using a side breath, and be able to swim a length of backstroke with proper form.
Breaststroke pull and kick are learned with proper timing. We teach the feet to move wider than the hips and knees, good rhythm of kick creating a glide, foot flexion, and pull in front of the body instead of under the stomach.
Requirements to begin level 9&10: Must be able to swim a full length in freestyle using side breath, backstroke with proper form, and breaststroke must be legal.
Butterfly is learned including dolphin kick, dolphin kick with forward breath, and butterfly arm motion. This level will review all strokes. Flip turns beginning with somersault and somersault with a wall push and dive off the blocks are practiced for swimmers wanting to try out for the swim team. Treading water is learned if access to the deeper end is available.
This class requires a tryout before enrollment is allowed. The bridge program is for swimmers ready for a competitive swimming environment. The swimmers must be able to perform all stokes with proper form and USA Swimming legal.